About Us
Dragon Seeds LLC located in beautiful and scenic Vero Beach, Florida, Dragon Seed LLC currently owns 15 acre farm. The farm specializes in growing delicious dragon fruit called Mibao by organic farming, which refers to agricultural production systems that do not use genetically modified (GM) seed, synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

Sweet and Juicy
The degree of saccharinity of Mibao is 20%-23%, much higher than the average level of dragon fruits. It has a high content of soluble fiber, taste juicy and crunchy.

Thin Peel & Fleshy
The dragon fruit meat is tender and juicy, and the fragrance is soft and smooth. It normally weighs from 150 to 600 grams, but the average weight for Mibao is 2 pounds.

High in Nutrients
Mibao dragon fruit is low in calories but packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains a substantial amount of dietary fiber.

Our Product
Our expert dragon fruit grower Mr. Li Guocheng and his team successfully grafted one variety of dragon fruit originally from Asia known as Mibao onto the local variety native to America, increasing precocity, drought tolerance and adaptability.
The Mibao dragon fruit comes with red skin and red pulp. The degree of saccharinity of our product Mibao is 20%-23% and the average weight of every single fruit is 2LB, which are much higher and bigger than the average level of dragon fruits.
Our Team
Lucifer Li is a certified marijuana grower, who possesses over 20 years experience in growing, harvesting, packing and distributing the finest dragon fruits.
For the first time in United States, Mr. Li and his team successfully grafted one variety of dragon fruit originally from Asia known as Mibao onto the local variety native to America to produce high quality dragon fruits and supply them directly to the retail market in cities with high demand from Asian consumers.